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What We Do

We follow a consistent process in the creation of marketing plans and marketing strategies. We have found that this is the best way to deliver successful work for all our clients. Everything we do is informed by the structured approach we take towards the strategic marketing planning process.


And that’s why planning lies at the very heart of everything we do. It’s a systematic process that allows us to create a highly effective marketing strategy for your business, one that will deliver the results you are looking for – as effectively and efficiently as possible.


It is important to remember that any strategy is defined as the best use of scarce resource to achieve a specific goal. In business, scarce resource means time and money. The best way to use your time and money as effectively as possible is to have a good marketing plan in place, and that is why we always followed a structured process in order to achieve this goal.


That is what marketing consultancy is all about. Putting the best plans and strategies in place. We are a passionate team of experienced marketing consultants, and we love working in close partnership with all our clients to deliver the best possible solutions for their businesses.


Our specialists can guide you throught everything.

Content Marketing

That explains in a nutshell why content marketing has such a key role to play in your digital marketing strategy – because it provides a digital footprint that will last a long time. Not only that, but it also creates fresh content for your website that you can share through your social media feeds. It can also be distributed via digital advertising and email marketing. The Content Marketing Institute defines content marketing as “a strategic marketing approach focussed on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.” That definition does not offer any surprises – like any form of marketing, content needs to drive sales.

Real Estate

Using the Internet for real estate will make you your own real estate agent without having to pay a great sum of money to an agent and also you will have full-control of the entire activity. Whether you are a home buyer or seller, it is very easy to search for the perfect house as the online offers are endless. Or, if you would like to sell a piece of real estate, there is no safer and quicker way to do it.

Online Stores

One advantage to an online store is that you can reach more customers than would ever be able to simply walk through your doors. An online shop removes the blockades of travel, parking and getting lost en route that can drive some customers away. While you can certainly continue to market to your local client base, online you have the option to catering to fans of your product or service that are miles away.


Internet marketing has become more and more popular nowadays among businesses around the world. After discovering the wide range benefits of internet marketing in promoting products and services online, it has soon become the leading medium for marketing all over the world. Unlike mass marketing, which effectively piques the interest of the local audience by means of radio spots, newspapers and print media, internet marketing allows companies to nurture a more personal relationship with their consumers from all over the world. With internet marketing, businesses can deliver content to their customers through personalized and cost-effective communication. With all the benefits that internet marketing can offer your business, developing a professional internet marketing campaign can attract more customers to your product or brand to grow your business more.

Financial Market

Financial markets refer broadly to any marketplace where the trading of securities occurs, including the stock market, bond market, forex market, and derivatives market, among others. Financial markets are vital to the smooth operation of capitalist economies.


Social media marketing can be considered as one of the most effective methods available out there for the modern world business owners to enhance their online visibility.


Via a combination of three factors. Firstly, we have the people and processes to deliver great quality work. Secondly, we have the character and personality to provide great customer service. And thirdly, we have the desire and determination to offer great value for money.

For your business success.

Whatever your business problem, if it’s related in any way to the wonderful world of marketing, we can very probably help. These are some of the most common comments we hear from potential customers, but the list is by no means exhaustive. Every business faces its own unique challenges so – if something is keeping you awake at night – don’t hesitate to get in contact. We will do everything we can to help, even if that means pointing you in another direction to get the assistance you need.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any other questions, please contact us.

What is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is what we do at WOLF ROI. We create value-added content for our clients, primarily B2B businesses and entrepreneurs, to promote their business. Content typically takes the form of blog and video content which attracts potential leads and customers to your business, but can also include white papers, executive guides, webinars and infographics. Good content marketing strategy and implementation includes a content audit, creating an effective content strategy, content development, content distribution, lead nurturing and content analytics. Content marketing plans should be focused on the creation of long term relationships with prospects over time. Content should also be created to engage with existing clients over and above the ongoing project work that you will plan and execute for them.

What are the 4 Roles of a Content Marketing Agency?

There are primarily four roles and responsibilities of a content marketing firms, although these roles may differ from client to client. The first is to execute smart content strategies. Strategising is important for every business. Content marketing agencies formulate innovative strategies which gives an extra edge to your firm. They will also segment your customers according to their needs and interests. With the help of an Agency you can develop the roadmap to a superb content plan that addresses all the customer segments perfectly. For content to stand out, the strategy needs to be creative. When the customer and the Agency work collaboratively, there is a greater chance of creating content that is powerful, relevant and can ultimately be used for lead generation activities. Agencies then must create and produce the content. It might sound easy, but in practice, the actual procedure of creating and producing content is probably the greatest role which a content marketing agency has to fulfil. Agencies can create content by understanding their client, their client’s business and the key challenges of their customers. The resulting content can be produced in the form of a blog, an infographic, an e-book or even an e-journal. Finally, it is our responsibility to keep the content in sync with current SEO standards. There are many regular search engine updates as a consequence SEO has evolved. At the end of the day, each piece of content you produce needs to be published. Even if your content is terrific, it needs proper promotion. Agencies ensure that your Content is optimised and then distributed on the most effective Social Media platforms for your business.

How do Digital Marketing Agencies Help you Achieve Your Business Goals?

Marketing agencies target the right platforms, ensure your content is optimised for SEO and SMM, plan your content requirements and provide practical value from your digital campaigns. As a business owner or brand manager, you know your audiences by now and have a list to target. However, an Agency will identify the right platforms to target your marketing campaign. If you know where your customers are, deciding on which platform to use will be easier. For this purpose, digital marketing agencies use several media. The first one is social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn and Google+. Then, you have options of targeted advertising, emails, newsletters and other forms of online marketing that are used by professionals to create a holistic strategy. We can help you decide on the best strategy for your business. Search engine optimization and social media marketing are also crucial parts of online marketing, and agencies and professionals know their function. Unless the product/service reaches the right medium and has the scope of connecting with customers, almost all other efforts are futile. Keeping in mind the needs of search engine ranks and traffic, digital marketing experts are now offering everything for clients in the nutshell. When your content has been published, we can help you judge the effectiveness of the digital marketing strategy. Here, the team working for you will use Google analytics, Facebook analytics, and various other analytics tools to analyse campaign effectiveness and ROI. Digital marketing agencies bring in expertise and experience which mean you can focus on your core business without having to worry about the details of digital marketing. This will quicken the learning curve. The scope of these agencies is huge, with their sophisticated methods, they are adding more value for every business. Sometimes, spending on digital marketing in the right perspective can mean more benefits in the long run.

How Long Does Content Marketing Take to Work?

Building trust in business as in life cannot be done overnight. Unfortunately, many of us have encountered people who have not delivered all they promised. The good news is that Content Marketing will build up trust and generate new leads and customers in six months. That means six months of weekly blog posts and Social Media Marketing activity will deliver new leads and enquiries. In the business sectors that we work in on behalf of our clients the return on investment can be very healthy with new customer contracts worth millions of pounds in some cases. Of course this will depend on the sector or niche that you are in. There is a great opportunity for you to reap the rewards of a successful Content Marketing Strategy because many of your competitors are not publishing content consistently, or are focusing on the wrong Social Media platforms.


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